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STEPS (Structured Teaching, Educating Prepared Students)

STEPS (Structured Teaching, Educating Prepared Students)

Program Model
The Elementary STEPS Program classroom model is based on the premise that early intervention is effective in identifying strategies to offset the impact of educational disabilities on young children. The belief that high expectations can lead to greater successes underlies the program planning and teaching activities. All of the staff members working with a child share techniques to address individual goals and objectives. These are integrated into the learning environment.
Small Class Structure
Classes are designed to provide specialized academic instruction to individuals with more intensive needs. Students are integrated within the general education program to the maximum degree appropriate to their individual needs.
Curriculum & Components of the STEPS Program
  • Provides functional academic curriculum and instruction
  • Classes utilize a variety of strategies such as: Structured Teaching and Positive Behavioral Interventions
  • Provides students with daily living and recreation/ leisure skills
  • Modified core curriculum
  • Direct instruction in all skill domains
  • Language and social skills emphasis across all activities
  • Instructional adaptations and accommodations
  • Building vocational skills
  • Mainstreaming opportunities
  • Varied materials to teach concepts